Feb 08, 2015

It is with heavy heart that we must announce that Howard Ehrlich, our intrepid founder and Editor-in-Chief, died on Monday, February 2, 2015.
He had been battling the increasing effects of Parkinson's disease and dementia for the past few years, and recently suffered a stroke-like episode that landed him in Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he died in his sleep. He was a great friend, an unrelenting anarchist, and the impact that he leaves on the world will endure for years to come.
We will miss him, and the world — whether it knows it or not — will miss him too. A memorial service is planned; details are forthcoming.
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May 19, 2014
We had hoped to have our book launch party at Red Emma's, our local (and fabulous) anarchist bookstore/coffeeshop, but alas! our timing was not so good. Last night we attended the shutting-down party for Red Emma's in the location it has occupied for the past 9 years. In the Fall, it reopens in a new, expanded location, and everyone is excited!
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May 15, 2014
Well, it's been 30+ years in the brewing, and a little over a year in the making, but The Best of Social Anarchism anthology is finally a reality! Howard and I selected nearly 50 texts to include in this massive tome, representing some of our favorite writing from the years of publishing, but ended up having to whittle the total down to 37 articles to save on space (and we still came out about 60 pp. longer than intended). That's the cost of excellence!
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